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  • HelpOnLinking . . . . 4 matches
         If you enclose a sequence of characters in square brackets and double quotes {{{["like this"]}}}, that makes it a page name. That can be used for specific uses of MoinMoin (like organizing a list of items, e.g. your CD collection, by their "natural" name), or if you want to create a wiki with a non-western character encoding.
         In addition to the standard schemas, there are MoinMoin-specific ones: `wiki:`, `attachment:`, `inline:`, and `drawing:`. "`wiki:`" indicates an InterWiki link, so `MoniWiki:FrontPage` and `wiki:MoniWiki:FrontPage` are equivalent; you will normally prefer the shorter form, the "`wiki`" scheme becomes important when you use bracketed links, since there you always need a scheme. The other three schemes are related to file attachments and are explained on HelpOnActions/AttachFile.
         /!\ MoinMoin does not support force linking feature.
         {{{wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki}}} is interpreted as {{{wiki:MeatBall:InterWiki}}} in the MoinMoin. But it confuse users with {{{wiki:WikiPage/SubPage}}} syntax.
  • HelpOnSpellCheck . . . . 4 matches
         MoinMoin looks for valid words in two places:
          * the "dict" directory in the MoinMoin package directory
         MoinMoin/dict> ln -s /usr/dict/words .
         MoinMoin> ls -l dict
  • HelpOnFormatting . . . . 2 matches
         /!\ MoinMoin does not support escape "{''''''{{" markup in preblock.
         /!\ MoinMoin does superscript texts contain space but, MoniWiki does not. You can superscript a string contains space by encloseing it into double carets.
  • MoniWiki . . . . 2 matches
         MoniWiki is a PHP based WikiEngine. WikiFormattingRules are imported and inspired from the MoinMoin. '''Moni''' is slightly modified sound means '''What ?''' or '''What is it ?''' in Korean and It also shows MoniWiki is nearly compatible with the MoinMoin.
  • HelpOnLists . . . . 1 match
         /!\ ''term'' cannot contain any wiki markup in the MoinMoin
  • HelpOnProcessingInstructions . . . . 1 match
          * '''Wiki''': default MoinMoin wiki markup
  • InterWiki . . . . 1 match
         MoinMoin marks the InterWiki links in a way that works for the MeatBall:ColourBlind and also is MeatBall:LynxFriendly by using a little icon with an ALT attribute. If you hover above the icon in a graphical browser, you'll see to which Wiki it refers. If the icon has a border, that indicates that you used an illegal or unknown BadBadBad:InterWiki name (see the list above for valid ones). BTW, the reasoning behind the icon used is based on the idea that a Wiki:WikiWikiWeb is created by a team effort of several people.
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